Thursday, 5 June 2014

Buying a Boat Part 9 - First Day on the Water for Fortuitous

First things first.  We finally decided on a name for our new sailboat - Fortuitous.

Fortunate is how we mostly feel but there was a significant amount of of luck and opportunity that got us this far.

After a month of projects , upgrades and maintenance work we were finally ready for our first sail today - May 31.  Problem was there was no wind but that is a minor issue.  We had to get away from the dock to run the engine and test the auto helm.

The peel Regional Marine Unit had other plans for us.  Not 2 minutes outside of the Port Credit and we were being tailed by the "PoPo" as my son likes to say after spending too much time online.

Our 2014 boating season was officially going to start with a safety inspection by the officials.  Thanks to many visits to The Rigging Shoppe  I was confident we were in compliance with the safety equipment regulations.  Meanwhile, I think  Erica  was  patiently awaiting my arrest and detention.    I should have discussed the required safety equipment with my crew before we departed.   On a  light wind day with calm seas it is an easy mistake to make.

The safety inspection was now underway.... Operators Card, Toronto Harbour License, VHF license , flares, fire extinguishers, sound signalling device, life ring, heaving line, life jackets, bailer, anchor - check!  Boat license?   Aw crap, that was one thing we never got covered.  Fortunately  I followed the advice of my my yacht broker - Pat Sturgeon of Pat Sturgeon Yacht Sales - and had a copy of the bill of sale on board.  The law allows 90 days from the date of purchase to acquire a boat license and I was only 60 days in.   Having the BOS on board proved we were still on the right side of the law.    With the safety check complete and the skipper not in custody we carried on with the sea trial on a beautiful spring day.

The police inspection served as an important  reminder to always be  ready for emergencies -  even on sunny days with no waves and light wind.  The police officers were polite and friendly but this was still business.  It was obvious they noticed the missing bow numbers, no Canadian flag  and we still had the US hailing port shown on the transom - heat score!    Post inspection we got the Canadian flag flying off the stern.

I must admit I was embarrassed it took a bit of searching to locate some of the required safety gear.  This gear should be close by and ready to go in seconds of an emergency.  I fell short by not having it better organized before leaving the dock.  This has now been corrected and next time it will be on deck before being asked by the officer.  Regardless, Erica was impressed we passed  the safety inspection.

I really hope we are stopped again on our next  departure from Port Credit Harbour.    If Erica and the kids can answer the officer's questions and produce the required gear without my direction then I will feel better knowing we are better prepared as a crew.

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Buying a Boat Part 8 - Guest Blogger - Spousal Approval from her POV

As indicated in a prior blog, spousal approval can be the most important factor in that final step towards buying the boat of your dreams.  In our case, it was not a quick process.

My sailing career began at the age of 3 in B.C. during a weeklong vacation on a Thunderbird with my mother, father, 5 year old brother and a very unhappy beagle. Looking back on it, I can’t help but think that my mother was one intrepid lady.   If you have ever spent a week on a Thunderbird than you know of what I speak - creature comforts are few and the quarters are pretty tight.

Mom, Smitty and me in Howe Sound 
That was the beginning and also the end of pleasure sailing for me for many years to come.  From racing on a Wayfarer in the Niagara River to the occasional night out on a C&C 30 in Port Dover with my father's friend Hadley Jackson, I grew to think that sailing meant tactics, tacking, and very little comfort.

Fast forward 20 years  and I found myself racing in Toronto - this time on, you guessed it, a Thunderbird where I met my husband and learned about spinnakers, race tactics, the correct method for using doughnuts to distract your competition in a downwind race and how to pee in a bucket.

Those days of racing were some of the best times of my life, but a couple of kids and a busy job quickly spelled the end to my passion for racing and before I knew it my sailing days appeared to be at an end.  But then the campaign began for a new boat.  At first, the boats I was shown were awesome because they had "lots of room for storing sails" or they "would be great to race on".   No, thanks.  We've got one of those already.    And then, over time, the campaign began to change.  Visions of a cruising life were slowly forming - cushions, running water, a place to pee that I wouldn't subsequently have to empty over the side of the boat and some exciting destinations that would make for some pretty fantastic summer weekends.  

I admit, I made him work hard for it.  

Can we afford it?  "Look, I found the perfect boat and it is a great deal.  Let's drive to Cleveland in the middle of the ice storm so you can see what I mean".  

Will the kids like it?  "We'll take them places with swimming pools and great food, and if worse comes to worst we can plug them in with video games while we sit under the stars and drink wine".  

What about the dog?  "We'll get her a life jacket and bring her along".

Can I have cushions?  "You can have as many cushions as you want".

The vision became clear.  I could see how a boat would fit into our family like and enrich it in many ways.  We are still waiting to get the boat into the club, but our first adventure is already planned - a day game of the Blue Jays and a night spent at Island Yacht Club.  Sounds like a great way to confirm that we have made the right decision - and are officially cruisers.

-Erica Robertson