Saturday, 7 December 2013

Getting Started

After years of  making excuses Skippers' Plan is entering the blogosphere starting January 2014.  I enjoy reading blogs like BikesnobNYC and have always wanted to find my voice in this medium.  My commitment to starting this blog came about during a presentation given by Randall Craig at the recent Boating Ontario Conference.  If you are curious about blogging or social media Randall's website is a great place to start.  

Over the next few weeks I will lay the building blocks of the blog before officially launching it just before The  Toronto International Boat Show .  This involves embedding the blog on, establishing a feed to Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn to name a few.  I also have to educate myself more so there are no technical problems once I get started.

I look forward to using this blog to share my thoughts, insights and the experience in the marine insurance business with my clients, insurance colleagues and the connected world.

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